Simple Ways to Get Likes on TikTok

Simple Ways to Get Likes on TikTok

Published on 22nd of February 2022

TikTok, like other video-sharing platforms, are getting crowded by more people every day. Being one of the most popular social media apps, the competition amongst users is becoming fierce.

With more businesses and content creators coming up with new ideas every minute, standing out is increasingly difficult on TikTok.

Of course, everyone desires to garner some sort of fame from the social network, as random users are going viral almost daily.

Tiktok, App, Iphone, Phone, Social Media, The Iphone 11
Popularity is primarily anchored on followership, which is in turn determined by the likes you generate on your content. 

The likes that content gets directly translates to the creator’s reach and the appreciation of his/her creation.

Now, how can you receive massive likes on your content? Kindly follow the steps below:

1. Start with a very catchy username

As stated earlier, TikTok is a wide crowd—hinting at a constant need to stand out, to attain relevancy and retain it. 

You cannot afford to be just another user. And it all starts with your username; it must be very catchy. Very is stressed here, but don't break yourself trying to come up with the catchiest and most clever name. Just try to be creative; paint a unique picture in the heads of your viewers.

Your username is your identity. Pick out an identity that would not easily get mixed up. New users keep signing up every second, and even the existing ones gravitate toward catchy usernames.

2. Make your profile public

If you desire to attain stardom on TikTok, make sure your profile isn't private. This restricts public access to your account and content.  

To make your profile public;

  • Open the app and click on the Me option

  • Select "More"

  • Go your Privacy and Safety settings

  • At this page, look for Discoverability (enables you to toggle between a public and private account)

Ensuring unfettered access to your content increases your chance of reaching a wider audience and getting more likes.

3. Be consistent with the nature of content uploaded

Free stock photo of apartment, architecture, arrangeWith millions of videos uploaded daily, there's a need to create a niche for yourself on TikTok. Always strive to be the go-to source of a particular type or niche of videos.

Once you're done creating a niche for yourself, users who crave that sort of content will always find their way back, assuring consistent likes from them.

4. Invest in good equipment for high-quality videos

Camera Taking Picture of CityHaving ideas for good content is excellent, but it's more than vital to convey your message through high-quality productions.

When the video scenes are sharp enough, you're more likely to gather huge amounts of likes, comments, and even shares.

So keep in mind that as original as your videos might be, with millions of other videos being uploaded daily, it's highly possible that some other creator is making something similar.

The number of likes you get might just be determined by the quality difference. If yours is better, it'll rank better. Otherwise, you're driving users to your competitor.

5. Learn to leverage trends

Chart, Graph, Finance, Financial, Data, StatsTrends are forever paramount in the content creation business, particularly in video making. 

Over time, TikTokers have shown lots of interests in trends. That's why you'll see multiple videos following a trend whenever one is introduced.

As such trends begin, the key is to create similar content while adding a touch of originality or uniqueness.

Blending these two together, users will often show interest, and of course, this directly translates to more likes on such videos.

6. Create controversial content

The term "controversial" does not necessarily mean badly opinionated or political. 

Users often refrain from controversial content. You can, however, maximize the power of controversy to drive lots of viewers to your content. 

See, wherever and whenever a controversial topic emerges, it's natural that people will immediately take sides for and against the topic. 

While tons of users might be against it, there will still be just as much users in support. Moreover, those in support will undoubtedly wish to show the said support by liking your content. 

With a new set of followers showing support via likes, you can further leverage this by creating similar content. Something you're certain they'll also like. And as a result, you'll start attracting more followers.

Kindly note that there's a thin line between controversial and illegal or unlawful content. Be careful not to toe the line of illegality by breaching extant rules and community guidelines in a forceful bid to get likes from viewers.

TikTok's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy are readily available on both the app and website.

Read through them very carefully to ensure that you're not in breach of the terms elaborately contained therein while creating and uploading your content.

7. Feature other popular TikTokers

Cheerful diverse girlfriends using laptop and smartphoneWe have millions of casual TikTok users and content creators; some, more popular than the others. 

These creators have lots of followers, as they have managed to achieve celebrity status on the app and are loved so dearly by the millions that follow and admire their content.

The general idea is to feature some of these popular individuals in your videos, as long as they're within your niche.

While you might have to pay some of them to achieve this, there are others you could get to feature for free. 

And by achieving this feat, you'll reach their own audience and they may end up liking your content.

Some of these new visitors will go through your other videos and leave likes according to their interests. Some will even follow you.

Final thoughts

Grabbing substantial likes on your uploaded content are clear indications that you're headed in the right direction, which will also encourage you to do more. 

Kindly follow the steps explained above, and you're guaranteed to improve on the number of likes you currently get. Cheers!

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