Top Tips to Help You Write an Engaging Bio on TikTok

Top Tips to Help You Write an Engaging Bio on TikTok

Published on 12th of September 2023

TikTok is known as a lip-syncing and dancing app, but there's more to it than that. Businesses can find various opportunities on the platform if they use it strategically. And when it comes to strategy, your TikTok bio should be a part of it. It's only 80 characters, but it can make a huge difference in brand awareness and engagement.

Your TikTok bio is your audience's first impression of you, so it pays to put effort into writing it. If you don't know how to optimize your bio and make it attractive, here's a step-by-step guide to help you, including some creative ideas you can use as inspiration.

Describe What You Do and Show Your Personality

woman in black shirt wearing black hat

When someone looks at your TikTok profile, you want them to understand what your brand is about right off the bat. That's where your TikTok bio comes in. Describe your brand to your audience and tell them what you do. That way, they have the right expectations and can decide whether or not to follow you.

Your TikTok bio is also a chance to show off your brand personality. If you want your audience to see you as funny, creative, witty, or friendly, use language that will convey that tone.

Keep It Short

While it's good to be descriptive in your TikTok bio, you must keep it short and sweet. You get a maximum of 80 characters and five line breaks, which count as a character each. Find a way to tell a story without flowery words that consume too much space.

Use Emojis

low-angle photo of pink and orange balloons

With millions of other brands to compete with, your TikTok bio must be snappy and eye-catching. When you use emojis, the pops of color make the text look more attractive. In addition, they help you get your message across without using too much space.

There's an emoji for almost everything, so you can use them to describe what you do or tell your audience what you want them to do. For example, you can use the ring emoji if you have a jewelry business or the shirt emoji if you have a clothing brand. If you want users to click on your website link, you can use arrow emojis to point them to it.

Include a Link

If you have at least a thousand followers on TikTok, you can include a link in your bio and drive traffic to your other social media platforms. It's a golden opportunity, so make the most of it. You can put a link to your YouTube channel or the sign-up page for your email newsletter.

TikTok only allows one URL, but you can use a link in bio service as a way around this. One link can direct your audience to multiple sites and pages to help your overall marketing strategy.

Don't worry if you haven't reached the 1,000 mark yet. You can still add a link by copy-pasting it to the bio space. However, it won't show as a clickable link, so make sure it’s easy to memorize.

Connect Your YouTube and Instagram Accounts

a group of different social media logos

Most brands will add a link to their website, but many don't know they can connect their YouTube and Instagram accounts to their TikTok profile. When you do, your audience can easily access and follow your other social media accounts. You can grow your presence across the three platforms with minimal effort.

Once you've connected your accounts, an Instagram icon will appear next to your "Follow" button. When a user taps on it, clickable links to your Instagram and YouTube accounts will pop up. The best part is you don't have to use any of the precious space on your bio to promote your socials.

Use a Call to Action

A bio without a call to action is a wasted opportunity. Adding one will encourage audience participation and tell them exactly how to interact with you. You don't want a potential customer to leave without engaging with you somehow.

Your CTA should align with your business goals. For example, you can ask your followers to click the link to your website if you're launching a new product. Or you can tell them to check out your YouTube channel if you have a new video. At the very least, you should ask them to follow your TikTok account.

Don't overcomplicate your CTAs so your audience can easily follow them. Use straightforward phrases like "Subscribe to my YouTube channel," "Shop now," and "Sign up."

Choose a Memorable Username

A TikTok bio isn't complete without a clear and catchy username. Spend time thinking about yours because it gives your audience a taste of your branding and sets the tone for your page. In addition, users will see it next to all of your posts, so it's at the core of your TikTok identity.

Your username can also help increase your discoverability on the platform. You can come up in user searches if you include the right keywords. You can use periods and underscores to break up words and make your handle easier to understand.

Choose a Profile Photo That Best Represents Your Brand

photo collage on wall

Your profile picture on TikTok may be small, but it puts a face behind the name and makes you memorable to your audience. You'll also appear more trustworthy and approachable, allowing you to make deeper connections with your followers.

Creators can use a close-up shot of themselves so that users can identify them quickly. On the other hand, brands can use their logo or a photo of their bestselling product. Whatever image you choose, it should be something that represents your brand well.

The Bottom Line

Your TikTok bio is prime real estate, so use those 80 characters wisely. With creativity and the right strategy, you can increase your discoverability, widen your audience, and boost engagement on TikTok and other social media platforms.

Don't be afraid to experiment with your bio to see what works best for your brand. You can also find inspiration from other brands' and creators' bios to get the creative juices flowing.

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